JH CrossFit
Class Plans
Choose a Plan
Unlock everything with our Unlimited Membership. Enjoy unrestricted CrossFit access and classes. Whether you're an athlete or focused on well-being, this all-inclusive option empowers your fitness journey.
Limit: Unlimited
Programs: JH CrossFit
LocationsJH CrossFit
From $125.00
       3x a Week
Boost your fitness with 3 times per week membership. Engage in impactful CrossFit sessions thrice weekly, led by skilled trainers. Perfect for various goals and fitness levels.
Limit: 3 classes per Week
Programs: JH CrossFit
LocationsJH CrossFit
      2x a Week
Fit your routine seamlessly with our 2 times per week membership. Join invigorating CrossFit sessions twice weekly, guided by expert trainers. Ideal for busy individuals seeking consistent fitness.
Limit: 2 classes per Week
Programs: JH CrossFit
LocationsJH CrossFit
     Next Level Competition Programming
JH Next Level is JH CrossFit's competition program that takes your fitness to the next level. Designed for those seeking intense challenges, this program pushes boundaries and enhances performance. With specialized training and guidance, you'll elevate your skills in CrossFit competitions and reach new heights in your fitness journey. It's the ultimate path for those ready to compete and excel.
Limit: Unlimited
Programs: Next Level
LocationsJH CrossFit
    JH Body Building
The JH CrossFit Body Building Program is designed to help you achieve a strong and defined physique. Combining CrossFit with bodybuilding techniques, our experienced programmers create targeted workouts to build muscle and strength. Whether you're new to this or have experience, we're here to guide you in a supportive and energetic environment, helping you reach your bodybuilding goals.
Limit: Unlimited
Programs: JH CrossFit
LocationsJH CrossFit
   JH 24/7 Access
A 24/7 access membership at JH CrossFit gives you the freedom to use our top-notch gym whenever you want. You're not limited by time – it's open all day, every day. This is great for people with busy schedules who want to do intense workouts and be part of a supportive fitness community. It's all about fitting fitness into your life, on your schedule.

Limit: Unlimited
Programs: JH CrossFit
LocationsJH CrossFit
   Remote Training
JH CrossFit's remote training program brings the gym experience to you, wherever you are. With personalized workouts and virtual coaching, you'll receive expert guidance tailored to your goals and abilities. Stay connected, motivated, and committed to your fitness journey from the comfort of your own space. It's fitness on your terms, no matter the distance.
Limit: Unlimited
Programs: JH CrossFit
LocationsJH CrossFit